Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Summer

Last night I got back from Chelka Lodge on Lake George. It was great. My favorite part was CRUSHING my cousin Zach at Palace every single time. Hee hee. We went tubing a lot. I didn't get to try water skiing, but it looked really fun. Almost alllll of my mom's side of the family was there. We took up ELEVEN rooms, out of like thirty! It was a blast. I'll name my kid cousins-
Mitchell, 11
Noah, 6
Zach, 9
Zoe, 5
Stella, 2
Mitchell and Noah are brothers, and Zach Zoe and Stella are sibblings.
I've got more cousins but they're OLD...
We went to see G-Force in a drive in theatre... tip- NEVER go to a drive in theatre if you're planning to sit outside in the summer time unless you want to be bitten to death.
Anyway, I thought the movie was stupid and predictable, but if course, all my cousins LOVED it. I just wanted to see Harry Potter :( . We also went miniature golfing. That is an expierience that I will NEVER forget. Ever tried to play miniature golf with eight kids? I didn't think so. And guess who had to keep SCORE?
Well in the end we had a great time.


  1. eight kids... pretty impresive
    recently i went tubing 2
    at 1 point thr came a GIANT wave
    i flew like 6 feet in the air

  2. AUSOME! Mira it's really great that your still being annoyed and driven crazy without me! I'm truly proud!

  3. i knew you would be hannah...

  4. by the way hannah, hows ur wrist?

  5. wat happened to ur wrist hannah?
    did u break it again?

  6. she sprained it and mira was g force really that bad remind me not to see it

  7. Fine now...... i don't wear a bamdage amymore

  8. when you came to my play did it by the way did u like the play this year

  9. yeah it was good but i didnt think t hat the person who played the alligator whatever its called was good!:)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. really cuz i thought she was amazing and wonderful in every way possible and plus she had to look down at a bratty obnoxious little girl named hannah with her little sister and mom
