Thursday, August 27, 2009

North Carolina

i'm in North Carolina right now. I got here on Sunday and am supposed to be coming back on Sunday unless there is a big hurricane which is possible. I am staying in this house with (Joshua, 6 and Rebecca , 4. ) Rebecca is STILL NOT POTTYTRAINED! We have been trying to get her to "poop on the potty" but still hasnt happened. the day we got here, she pooped in her underwear, and day 2, she POOPED IN THE POOL WHILE WE WERE SWIMMING IN IT!!!!! Then we all had to jump out and we couldnt go in till the next day cuz people had to come and clean it!!!! (i knew that u would all be intrested in that.) We went to the beach a lot but the first 3 days we couldnt because of the hurricane somewhere else and the under current was too strong so no one could on the beach. i just got back from the beach. North Carolina has wild horses and you can go on jeep tours and see them wild. WELL, we had a tour booked for 2 jeeps at 8a.m!(my dad and grandpa are both driving one cause we didnt want them to drive us and there's 10 of us, each jeep holds 5...) i had to wake up at 7am and then we all went and when we got there, they told us, ONE JEEP IS BROKEN! we had booked to open jeeps and they offered to give us one closed in and we said NO. then they told us that we could get them both at 3:30pm because the jeep would be fixed by then. I woke up for nothing!! Now we'll have to go back later!!!!


  1. sounds like a great trip i'd love for my litlle cousin to poop in the pool while i was is

  2. nice your summer sonds like fun mine is so boring becuase i am doing my project

  3. hannah, u always find a way 2 make me laugh
