Monday, August 17, 2009

Hey people

hey how have your summers been mine's been bad:(
it's been so boring i went to camp and i didn't like it too much
went to another camp liked that a lot
the camp i'm going to now SUCKS
the best thing i've done at my beach house is go in the ocean on calmish rough day
or was there but she wouldn't go in the ocean with me so i was stuck body surfing with my cousin
i found out my school starts the 8th
I did a math packet
I did summer reading
i did a grammer packet
i bought blue and silver nailpolish and i'm wearing it
and now i'm so bored i go on this every night!!!
what's wrong with me?


  1. Hey sam?
    maybe i could come and stay with u in LBI for labor day weekend? my parents could pick me up that sunday?

  2. i'd have to ask my parents but the one reason it could not work is that's the week before my school starts and there's orientations and locker day so i'm even sure we're going

  3. but you have go in the ocean with me no complaints about shells or it being to rough and i'll teach you how ta bodysurf but when you do it's so cool

  4. did you read the thing i wrote

  5. you know i wrote what's wrong with me at the last part of the thing
