Friday, July 31, 2009

Hey Guys

Hey just wondering how all of you are doing with your summer reading. I was thinking maybe we could suggest books to each other, just to make it easier to find the right one. So I'll start.
I have read two books so far- Good Night Maman and Big Mouth and Ugly Girl. Boys would not like either of them, so don't even try. Also, Good Night Maman is a very serious book about the Holocaust- it doesn't take place in the concentration camps, but it is about a family that is avoiding the German soldiers. I liked it, but if you don't like serious books it's definitely not for you. I've also started A Ring Of Endless Light. It's hard to tell how I like it, but so far I don't think so. It's about a girl who has all these boys pulling at her, and meanwhile all she wants to do is write poetry about dolphins and her grandfather is dying. I really don't understand the plot, but I'm not that far in- maybe on page 30, or 40.
So just post about what your reading, and look at other peoples posts, and stuff like that.


  1. ok my reading list is so boges all of the books are were in are classroom.

  2. ok so the book jackie robinson: he was the first is so short.
    there are pictures in it (big pictures) and there are only 46 pages with pictures on every page. also the font is like 20. i read it in like 5 minutes it was so easy so if u want 2 read somethin easy and short, read that book

  3. I just finished "A Ring Of Endless Light" definitely a girl book... i think i kinda liked it after a while, but I wouldn't suggest it to anyone in our class. It involves a LOT of death.

    P.S. Im done with my summer reading!!!!

  4. LUCKY!
    im still on my 3rd book (i started it yesterday which might be a little bad but yeah)

  5. you mean the jackie robinson book? i thought you said you finished it?

  6. i did
    the jackie robinson book was my 2nd book
    now im on the downsiders which is my 3rd book
