Monday, July 13, 2009


Hi people.
im having an OK summer. i go to camp, which i don't LOVE. i guess im not into the whole WAKING UP in the morning thing. Oh well. I'm actually EXCITED to go back to school! Middle school seems soooo much better cause we have A LOT more freedom and SHORT TEFILLA! AND BIG LOCKERS! im excited, except for the homework!!
Keep Posting,


  1. hannah you have lost it i cant belive you whant to go to school. i have to agre on the exited for school but home work. untiul then by

  2. You guys are crazy even thinking about being excited for school i mean i'm excited to be in middle school but i hate the school part in school i mean the learning and the learning and the learning it's all too much and the homework and the work and the worst part is waking up in the morning ooh it gives me the chills just thinking about it

  3. sam you called me and said you were excited for school!
    okay hannah I can see what your getting at- the whole middle school concept sounds pretty cool, but dont you want to have just a little bit more summer first?
