Friday, July 31, 2009

Hey Guys

Hey just wondering how all of you are doing with your summer reading. I was thinking maybe we could suggest books to each other, just to make it easier to find the right one. So I'll start.
I have read two books so far- Good Night Maman and Big Mouth and Ugly Girl. Boys would not like either of them, so don't even try. Also, Good Night Maman is a very serious book about the Holocaust- it doesn't take place in the concentration camps, but it is about a family that is avoiding the German soldiers. I liked it, but if you don't like serious books it's definitely not for you. I've also started A Ring Of Endless Light. It's hard to tell how I like it, but so far I don't think so. It's about a girl who has all these boys pulling at her, and meanwhile all she wants to do is write poetry about dolphins and her grandfather is dying. I really don't understand the plot, but I'm not that far in- maybe on page 30, or 40.
So just post about what your reading, and look at other peoples posts, and stuff like that.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

cool songs

this song is called The Elephant Song

asome song

i love this song its by Taylor Swift. me and my freinds sing it every day.


the weirdest song ever

the song frontier phsychiatry is the wierdest song in the world!!!!! first, theres an old woman playinthe drums and theres a lot of other weird stuff. anyway, heres the link:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Funny Story...

So I was playing our new Wii game, Wii Music. It's great. Eventually I unlocked all the songs (surprisingly easy) and one of them was I'll Be There! I played it and it's so cute- they've got these tiny people singing different stuff like bass, harmony, chords and melody. I tried singing- but I was screwing up so I just stucked to hitting the symbol every other stupid beat, while the little people were doing all the work. I hate the little people! They only sing gibberish.. you should see it. It's like boo boo gah gah boo, but in these high voices (except for the bass, which was the first one I tried- I sounded like a basoon:) . It was really funny.

paz stop asking that question

we have better things to do then to write on blogger this is the last thing i would do

Monday, July 27, 2009

New Email

For those of you who actually check the blog I've got a new email address. You don't have to write to my new one, I still check the old one. It's Just so you know.


Hey it's me and I'm back from camp!!
I got home a few hours ago.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

How's Your Summer Been

hello peoples how's your summer been mines been going quick to quick and we only have a month left of summer and that's just not enough time and then when we get back to school i have to count the days down again and learn, actually learn and be bored and i have to wake up at 6:45 i'm very, very mad about that well hope your summers are good the only thing i'm excited about is being in middle school but that's it

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

no more blogger

why dont you people write we are not going to keep blogger alive.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


why dont you people write?

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hi people.
im having an OK summer. i go to camp, which i don't LOVE. i guess im not into the whole WAKING UP in the morning thing. Oh well. I'm actually EXCITED to go back to school! Middle school seems soooo much better cause we have A LOT more freedom and SHORT TEFILLA! AND BIG LOCKERS! im excited, except for the homework!!
Keep Posting,

Sunday, July 12, 2009

my summer is awsome

i a haveing the best summer ever but so far i am just sitting at home this is my day
Wake up, watch tv, go on cumputar , watch tv , go on 360, watch tv, go on psp, go to bed watching movie, and do it all over again

Sunday, July 5, 2009

how are you?

i am so good i have a swim meet tommorw (monday) i am so happy! why dont you 6th graders if you whant to keep blogger alive you have to check it every day.

p.s hannah i am 100% positive i am not coming back next year.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

whats up

how is every body are you haveing a good summer becuse i am. my summer has been grate camp is so much fun exept for june 1. i hated that day did you .............................