Thursday, May 7, 2009

What do you think of typing buddies?

I hate typing buddies because the it's boaring, the first graders can't focus, they also get board and their peices are boaring.
What about you guys?


  1. i couldnt have said it better myself!

  2. all your doing is listening to some random kid go on and on about what would happen if they were an ant... I mean, seriously!
    Then you have to decorate and there so picky about what color the letters are...
    its like, lets do this one!
    no, i like this one.
    okay, well use this one... here!
    actually, i dont like that one.

  3. its so innoing!!!
    they need to read it to u
    most of them r only 4 sentnces so u need 2 add
    then u need to do all the other stuff
    u do 3 or 2 for an our
    i realy dont no why were doing this
    they can do typing pal on the computer like we did

  4. Yup and I would be to actually get 2 sentances Itai! They are way too picky and If ur writing about a house then they want a picture of a dog

  5. sooo true...
    theyr also spoiled- im so glad that wen we were in first grade the technology wasnt as good. i had one kid whos title was "how much i want super mario galaxy" i mean, this kid had a wii and a ds and everything. i was reading one on the wall and it said, quote, "i have 51 games for my wii" not only does he even have 51 games, he counts them too! seriously! whos parent lets there kid do that?

  6. i think i wrote the 51 one
    yeah. i had one which was y fav. pokemon

  7. i mean really. I have written too many pieces on the computer for a first grader about electronics to count!

  8. they also cant focus... i had one kid that kept on looking at coby's game on his stupid computer next to ours, and i couldve said "im a big fat chicken!" at the top of my lungs at he wouldnt have moved.
