Friday, May 8, 2009

Bubbly... (If You're Not A Girl This Wouldn't Be Important To You, But You Can Read It Anyway If You Want)

So I was like, if Hannah's going to be singing Bubbly all the time, I might as well get used to it. So I bought it off of iTunes and listened to it... and realized that it's not such a terrible song. I mean, the lyrics are kinda stupid but I really like the melody. I think that we should either do Lovesong by Sara Bareilles or Bubbly by Colbie Caillat. I think that I'm Yours is a good song too, but we can't do the dah-dah-dah-dee-dee-dah-dah stuff. And don't argue with me. We can't. There are also too many inapropiate lyrics to change. Lovestory we could sing too, but while it's a good song, I'm really sick of it. I listen to it too much (I need to get a life). And we are NOT singing Good Morning Baltimore! And once again, don't argue. If we do that song, I'm not doing the Talent Show, and I don't think Or is in on it to. What do you guys think?


  1. I agree that I'm yours is too inapropriot. And HA I told u that bubbly is a good song. I'm sick of lovestory but LOVE lovesong

  2. i admit, its an okay song. so i think we should sing lovesong. its an awesome song, but its about breaking up, i guess...
    hannah, ask ur mom, okay?

  3. if that doesnt wrk we should sing bubbly...

  4. thats a little inapropriate too...

  5. No bubbly is not inapropriot and my
    Mom doesn't want to
    Listen to all our if we havnt even had summer break yet! Remember we are singing2 songs

  6. bubbly is inapropriate...
    under covers staying dry and warm?
    i get the tinglies in a silly place?
    hannah, bubbly is inapropriate.

  7. we could just sing lovesong and do u belive in magic...

  8. Bubbly is really boring and I don't like do you belive in magic it's boring

  9. samantha- u ALWAYS sing Bubbly so be quiet. u also say u like it. ur way tooo picky both of you and i dont LOVE beleive in magic

  10. i think that we should sing lovesong, and watever other song we choose. so just agree with me that we r definitly singing lovesong, okay?

  11. bubbly IS inapropriate!!!
    I quote-
    cause eveytime u hold me in your arms, im comftorble enough 2 feel ur warmth
    I lose all control when u kiss my nose
    I get the tinglies in a silly place?????

  12. cmon hoinnah, i get the tinglies in a SILLY PLACE?

  13. she does NOT mean her feet!

  14. bubbly is WAY too inapropriate
